Over the past decade, the Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation has granted more than $130 million to partners on three continents. In every impact area, our grant partners are making significant and transformational change in their communities. We feel honored to be a part of their work.

With ten years’ of shared experience, we are ready to move onto the next chapter of our work with renewed energy and excitement.

The past year has allowed our Trustees to think more deeply about the Foundation’s work than ever before. Through conversation, inquiry, and deep reflection, we now have a more refined focus and specific approach to how we deploy our financial, human, and intellectual resources.

Our mission is, and will remain, to enrich humanity by strengthening and empowering children and families in need.

We are continually guided by the Jewish tradition of tzedakah (social justice), working to repair the world (tikkun olam) alongside those who share this mission.

While the core of our work remains unchanged, we firmly believe that to be responsive to our partners in communities, we must adapt to ever-changing needs and new insights. With this in mind, we are excited to announce our refined impact areas for 2018 and beyond.

Together with our grant partners, we:

  • Provide for the needs of and ensure the future of the Jewish people.
  • Support high quality early childhood education aimed at improving kindergarten readiness and third-grade reading proficiency.
  • Promote a robust arts & culture environment and increase access for families and children in need.
  • Within the Foundation’s impact areas, we also make impact investments through Program Related Investments (PRIs) and Mission Related Investments (MRIs).

We hope that narrowing our grantmaking scope will lead to increased, focused impact and will bring greater clarity to our partners.

You may notice our website and overall branding has been updated as well. While we will continue to use our distinctive red we call Dearie Red as it is Mrs. Fisher’s signature color, we’ve updated the look and feel of our website and materials to be more colorful, modern, and clean.

We hope you will spend some time learning about our partners or reading insights from the field.

As always, the principles and values Mr. and Mrs. Fisher championed—including finding joy in service with others and being grateful for those who allow us to support their efforts —remain central to the Foundation’s work. You can learn more about their extraordinary lives by visiting the Max M. Fisher Archives at www.maxmfisher.org and viewing these remembrances of Mrs. Fisher.

We welcome your feedback and thoughts on our work. Please share your comments by emailing us at info@mmfisher.org.

Using our head, heart, and hands, the Foundation is proud to work alongside individuals and organizations striving for change in our world. We remain as grateful as ever for their partnership and excited for our shared future ahead.

Douglas Bitonti Stewart
Executive Director
Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation
Inaugural Fellow, National Center for Family Philanthropy

Phillip Wm. Fisher
Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation