Rising: Advocates for Young ChildrenM3Dexperiences2019-10-04T21:58:42+00:00

RISING: Advocates for Young Children is a grassroots for-impact organization formed from a collective of early childhood and education providers in and of the surrounding neighborhood of Brightmoor. Rising’s mission is to advocate “for the most developmentally appropriate, advanced, safe and nurturing care of at-risk children, birth to five years old and for financial support of programming with a holistic approach that addresses the needs of the entire family, is inclusive of children with varying abilities while providing resources to families that assist their empowerment and development as self-advocates.”
Bridging Early Learning Through Provider Partnerships: Supports a basic needs pantry for all Brightmoor Quality Initiative participants, to extend summer enrichment activities to young children, and to connect early childhood providers with principals and kindergarten and first grade teachers to build plans for improving student transition to kindergarten.