On June 17, the Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation’s “Supporting Brightmoor Leaders” (SBL) cohort came together to discuss and explore methods for prioritizing mental health and positive well-being during a 3-hour convening — “Your Leadership Is Only as Healthy as You Are.” The event explored methods for integrating mindfulness practices into their organizations and programs in order to foster personal growth and success.

The SBL program offers valuable professional development and capacity-building opportunities through grants of $5,000 or less. Each grant also includes $250 that may be used for self-care determined by the grant partner. SBL participants include a diverse range of individuals, such as organization leaders, block club volunteers, small business owners, and childcare providers. Despite their varying roles, they all share a common goal: to strengthen Brightmoor and its residents.

The event was thoughtfully planned with input from SBL grant recipients who expressed the importance of dedicating time to explore mental health topics. It included chair massages for participants, yoga instruction, and a very interactive workshop that challenged participants to evaluate various layers of their health. The workshop offered immediately useful strategies for implementing healthier changes and practices such as learning when to and being comfortable with saying no and thinking of self-care as a discipline that moves beyond pampering or travel.

“SBL participants played a vital role in leading and coordinating this event. Throughout the planning process, we prioritized the insights they offered regarding their needs and responding to their requests,” stated Kourtney Neloms, Fisher Foundation consultant and Supporting Brightmoor Leaders Network Partner. “This event is designed to address the unique needs of these leaders and offer valuable tools to help them thrive first as individuals and next as community leaders.”

Initially established in 2016, the Foundation’s trustees renewed its commitment to Brightmoor’s leadership in December 2021 by approving funding for the initiative’s continuation for another five years. The funding will also support grassroots grantmaking, empowering Brightmoor residents and long-time community-based change agents to guide the decision-making process.

The application window for the 2023-24 round of funding will be announced in July. Please note that applications are accepted by invitation only. However, if you have any questions about how you or your organization can get involved, feel free to contact Kourtney at kourtney@mmfisher.org.